3 (More) Top Interior Trends of 2022

We’re back and ready to share some more of our favorite top interior trends of 2022. We all need a bit of a refresh, so whether you’re putting on a fresh coat of paint, adding accents, or refreshing your furniture, there are a number of ways to integrate these 3 (more) trends of 2022 into your home. Check out the first four here!

1. Metal and Color for Your Kitchen 

Two top trends are gracing our kitchens this year: dark colors, and metallic accents. Metallic accents can find their way into your kitchen in the form of your appliances, cabinet hardware, and faucets, and are a sweet and simple way to upgrade without completely overhauling your whole kitchen. Adding darker hues is typically done by using dark stone and marble for your countertops, or repainting your cabinets in a charred black or graphite shade. 

My favorite way to add it to a room:
Trade out old kettles, coffee makers, carafes, and hardware for shinier metallics if you want to be on trend with metallic accents. If you’re going for the moodier dark colors in your kitchen, try repainting your cabinets. 

2. Furniture Hubs & Portable Pieces

Adaptable spaces are all the rage – I mean, we tend to be home a little more these days, so why not make it easier to rearrange a room when we’re bored? Furniture designers have caught on, and two of the top 2022 trends are what are called furniture hubs and portable pieces. Sofas, desks, chairs, and more have been reimagined as modular units that have been put on wheels, and made lighter, so they can be rearranged to suit the space or mood. These furniture hubs allow for more relaxed gathering; fitting multiple types of seating and even tables all in the same piece of furniture.

My favorite way to add it to a room:
Honestly? Sofas. There are all sorts of new sofa designs that are modular and allow you to create your own sofa.

3. Future Proofing

The future is upon us! And that means we are streamlining our tech, hiding things in plain sight, and making our spaces work for us by making them dual-purpose spaces. 

In short, this final trend means we are working smarter not harder using technology (like Bluetooth speakers and TVs) that blends in as just another piece of furniture, and maximizing each room to function as a bedroom-office-yoga studio. Another part of this move to the future is using one piece of furniture to camouflage another – your low bookshelf becomes a desk in one easy motion. All of these help you make the most of your space and live in harmony in even the smallest apartments.

My favorite way to add it to a room: 
Think high-end futon! Seriously, technology (and amazing furniture designers) have upgraded the old futon model to create comfortable, convertible, pull-out beds that double as stylish and comfy sofas. 

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Your partner in design,
Team Ydp

Already following one of these trends? Show me your 2022 interior trends by tagging me (@your_design_partner) in your Instagram Stories! 

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