I literally woke up this morning thinking about our current state of affairs and wondering how can I help you better, since we are practicing social distancing?.
I decided that one way would be to create a series of How-To video tips on ways you can improve your living space or office.
Now anyone who knows me, understands that videos are not my strong suit, but I’m learning how to get over things that aren’t in my comfort zone and just plow through. ?????????????
Why did I start with this title?
I mean it just made sense.
I have the fortune of working on the top floor of the Pop Revolution Gallery shop and I frequently come in contact with people who want guidance when it comes to hanging a gallery wall.
Pair that with our recent stay-at-home orders and seeing (on social media) where many of you are coming across old photos and cherished memories that you want to showcase.
So I partnered with Francis, the owner of Pop Revolution to bring you our first How-to video with the hope that we can inspire you to showcase some of your memories or simply get creative using the art in your home.
In the video, you will learn
- The best way to begin your installation
- How far apart the art should be
- The importance of cohesiveness
- Why you should pick your focal point first
- Symmetrical placement vs Random placement
- The importance of placing heavier items on the bottom
- How to work around obstructions on the wall (thermostats for example)
- When installing, think about a visual flow, since we read left to right
Please let us know what you think
We help busy homeowners in Liberty Township and the surrounding areas save time, avoid design missteps and reduce overwhelm.
Our focus is to design living spaces that evoke emotion and enhance each project with custom window treatments for the ultimate finishing touch.
We are currently scheduling virtual consultations along with our e design plans. Click here
To learn more about our process and to see if we are a good fit, we invite you to give us a ring at (513)-409-3759
All the best,